Vettica Minore

The village of Vettica Minore is located between Amalfi and Conca dei Marini. This small village, just 2.87 km from Amalfi, offers natural views of limestone cliffs, including the famous Santa Croce beach, which can only be reached by sea, and the famous Lovers’ Arch, which requires any couple passing underneath it to kiss!

The word bectica may derive from the Latin word vectigal and would therefore be connected to a kind of tax, possibly relating to agricultural matters. The 16th-century watch tower and the Church of S. Michele Arcangelo, with its bell tower and tiled dome with ornamental clock, complete the picture.

An absolute must is a visit to the Church of the Virgo Potens, which houses the statue of the ‘Vergine Potente Virgin’, for whom the people of Vettica have a deep devotion.

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